Monthly Archives: April 2015

It was so much fun to photograph Maddie— an amazing violinist and tennis ninja from Rockford High School. Better add “model” to that list of skills!

What made this session so much fun was talking about all of the adventures that Tanya has been on and where in the world she has traveled. I know that she’ll have many more adventures ahead especially as she heads off to Nova Southeastern University. Safe travels, my friend!

I have been blessed to work with many wonderful senior girls, but some experiences are especially memorable. Amrit, her mom, Kiran, and her dad, Dr. Deol were a pleasure to work with! Amrit looked absolutely stunning in her senior session— I love your amazing style, girl! You have such a wonderful family and I love how you explore the world together… Amrit, you are very blessed indeed. Good luck wherever the next chapter takes you!

I have known Mya and her mom, Karry, for more than half of Mya’s life as our girls went to the same preschool and elementary school! Mya, you’ve grown into a beautiful young lady and I know that all who know you and love you are so very proud! Have a blast in Australlia, girl… WOW, what an adventure!

Gabrielle’s session was so packed full of fun ideas for photo locations and props. Talk about fashionable… Gabby you take the cake when it comes to fashion, and your shoes… girl… they rocked! Good luck at Davenport playing golf. You’re going to go far! Keep smiling girl, you have a great one!

Four of my very favorite seniors from Grand Rapids Christian High. These guys make me laugh so hard— we just had to do a “Friends” style photo shoot with them!